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About Us

We are professional consultants aimed at providing support services in the field of Natural Resources.   

Our primarty focus is conducting cost effective turn-key solutions for natural resource companies.  These include acquisition, mineral exploration and development expertise. 

We are situated in the heart of the Colorado Plateau.  Our consulting team has extensive knowledge and experience in a broad spectrum of fields.  We are feasibly located in the US Southwest and project mobilization is quick, efficient and affordable.  Together we master resource related problems with cost effective solutions.   As a team we are enabled to observe steps moving forward from all angles to insure project performance is  flawlessly progressive.  Numerous clients have chosen our services in the past and have been pleased with the results.  Several projects have been completed on time and under budget while allowing clients less head ache to focus on what they do best.   We have worked on several mineral exploration projects including uranium exploration, vanadium exploration, copper exploration, manganese exploration, potash exploration, gold exploration, silver exploration, oil and gas exploration  and more.

 All of our professionals are skilled using the latest deployment in software, therefore all work is one way or another in digital formatting.  This inclues:  Microsoft Office Suite, ESRI’s GIS products, Serveral lines of CAD, GEMCOM’s sofware and more! 

HLS also contains a portfolio of marketing projects.   This means HLS has exclusive/non-exclusive rights to market resource projects to interested companies.   These projects consist of Oil & Gas, Uranium, Vanadium, Copper, Manganese, Gold/Silver, Limestone and more.

HLS team members have extensive knowlege of resource areas within the US Southwest and offers to clients research services and acquisition plans for commodities of their liking. 

Please do contact us for further information if you are interested in seeing what projects are currently on the market or areas of potential acquistion.

Context for skills/service deployment;


  • Comprehensive ownership researches and mapping
  • Federal Minerals/OG
    1. Competitive Lease
    2. Federal Mineral Location (claim staking)
  • State Minerals/OG
    1. Over the counter leasing
    2. Competitive leasing
    3. Nominations
    4. Competitor, Area researches
  • Private/Fee Minerals
    1. Sub-surface lease negotiations & research
  • Surface Use Acquistion & Leases
    1. Private/Fee surface use agreements
    2. Federal surface use.
    3. State surface use.
  • Due Dilligence/Audit services
    1. Title/Land
    2. Engineering
    3. Geologic
    4. Regulatory
    5. Environmental
  •  Geologic
    1. Profiling of mineralized belts & trends
    2. Generation of  “areas of interest” (AOI)  for acquisiton tracks
    3. Research and review of geologic data



  • Radiometric Surveys 
    1. Surface & Outcrop
    2. Downhole
    3. Alpha Cup
  • Historic exploration assessment
    1. Historic Holes mapping & hole probing
    2. Historic mine mapping (surface & underground)
  • Regulatory Permitting, Environmental Analysis & Agency Approval
    1. Proposed action document and field staking
    2. Disturbance calcualtions
    3. EA & Nepa Doc preparation
    4. Bulk sampling approval
    5. ROW approval
    6. Drilling & Access approval
    7. Water source approval
    8. Bond submission
    9. Sub-sequent bond release
  • Drilling Services
    1. Rotary Bore
    2. Diamond Core
    3. Underground long hole
    4. Monitoring Wells
  • Excavation & Construction
    1. Access construction
    2. Drill site pad construction
    3. Reclamation
  • Geologic
    1. Onsite Professional Certified field geologist
    2. Data intergrity QA/QC
    3. Resource Calculations
    4. Geologic Mapping
    5. Sampling & Analysis
    6. Outcrop & Facies mapping
    7. Techincal reporting



Contact Us
Office Locations
La Sal, Utah
Moab, Utah

Phone: 435.260.1787